I'm Back! And Not a Moment too Soon...

Day 841, 03:53 Published in Australia New Zealand by Shauny B

Well, nothing like a massive Phoenix offensive in the Pacific and channers taking out eSA to bring you back to eRep! Times are exciting all round, with a global recession, and the usual political mud slinging.

To those new at this whole "total war" concept, prepare for fun times. Fight as often as you can, and move to a Q5 hospital region (NSW, Vic, SA and WA, unless another one has been added), so you can get more fights in. Sign up to the AAR, if you haven't already, and you can get a few free weapons a day.

If you simply can't be bothered to do that, remember to ALWAYS BUY AUSTRALIAN! ATM, the weapons market especially should be booming, but the market is being flooded by cheap foreign weapons, which is damaging Australian businesses. This is a time for mate to help mate, and for our Aussie spirit to shine.

I expect the next battle to be in WA again, unless the government says otherwise, so prepare for a fun ride, Australians!

Remember to sign up to "The Attacker" for run downs of every battle, political updates, and economic news!