I'm back... And confused

Day 2,865, 23:04 Published in India Albania by Ruler of The New World
Well... I have not been playing very much at all this past year and less so in the previous, in fact its been three years since I ever actually played at all. However, my studies in geography and social sciences sparked (again) in this electronic world of subterfuge and calculation and I decided to revive my account again- with hopes that it shall not die in the coming months.

I burst onto the scene last time with a rant on the state of India, its severe lack of existence, and some rather uneducated military proposals that were not taken well by the wider eRepublik community. That was indeed a problem. The game had changed dramatically in that time, Prestige points, mass strength building. I believed that the game had devolved from the socio-politico strategy game that it was into a rather more egotistical and uncooperative game with the massive MU's and an almost single part state- YUUVA controlled all and my congress-ship for the Communist Party (which was by no means communist) meant nothing at all for our left-winged country men.

This was why I stopped again.

I suppose that in being born again, I would like some advice on how the game has changed an dhow to play those changes. I wish to improve my part in the world and expand India's horizons, but how? Gold seems to be of far greater importance as a commodity and I cannot obtain any using real money, strength is hard to build without it, and I was slammed last time I played for my low strength, having only 5 SS trophies. So what do I do? Also what on earth are guerrilla wars?

The economic system has also changed, with far more exorbitant prices and a much more monopolised market. If I have any readers left most are inactive, any at all who are willing to assist me so I can become an active citizen in the strange uncertain world please. I am requesting your guidance and assistance, please help me, and I'll do my nary best to help you and the nation in return.

I might also change my name so I don't sound like a pretentious d*c#.

Please comment below with advice, tips etc.

Real eyes
Real lies