I'm back

Day 622, 10:31 Published in Slovakia Brazil by Danie! Moreno

In the last two days, I was in a rural area in southern Brazil. I have a farm, where he spent the weekends. It is a pleasant place, which makes me well, and for my family too.
Well, let's go back to work: I see that our country is well handled. That is great. It is gratifying to see people working and looking for the best for Slovakia. I'm here to do the best. I will announce my team of Government:

Head of State: Daniel Moreno
Head of Government: Mannimarco
Minister of Economy: Sandra
Minister of Defense:?
Minister of Social Welfare Secretaries + 02:?
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Mr. Skin
Minister of Recruitment:
Minister of Community: Ruaidhri Garve

We still have vacancies for three Ministers. Anyone interested, and for the SCP, please contact us.

It is a pleasure to be back. We will try to negotiate an MPP take before the Government (if win).

A good day to all!