I know when I'm not wanted [Goodies Inside]

Day 1,218, 04:13 Published in Canada Canada by frankypicoto
"An inability to stay quiet is one of the conspicuous failings of mankind."--Walter Bagehot
"I am only human."--

Is the DAL really dead?
I'll put it this way, you know how the world is supposedly going to end in 2012? Well, the Mayan's never said it is...they said/say it's going to end as we know it. That's one of the examples of how stupid human beings can be, taking one statement and turning into the apocalipse. That's not such a good way to describe what the Democratic Action League is going through but it's the simplest way I could find.

Janos Leinport was elected PP of the DAL on the 15th of this month being fully supported by the party (I wasn't here to witness that). Everyone fully trusted this guy with our party. Well, Janos is a sneaky one and was planning to "overthrow" the DAL's said "leadership" by creating a new forum where as he claims "Scorpius and Dominik [the overlords]" won't have power again. Janos also claims the party voted/showed their consent on creating new forums a few weeks ago (such discussions were never to be found O.o) while 90% of the party members say they didn't agree to anything.

Long story short, Janos who claims to be fully against "back-door deals" and says everything should be done democratically goes against his own values and creates a new forum [with the support of...5 DAL members (most of them quite noobs too)] and literally stabs all the olddest and most commited DAL members in the back. Some of his said supporters didn't even know the magnitude of what he was doing because he never explained much.

While old members were mostly surprised and somewhat pissed off by the event we still tried to make amends and convince Janos we could just fix the old forums. Scorpius (wrongly acused of abusing his powers) and Dominik (well we all know him..) even stated that they were willing to give up their administrative powers if needed and had nothing against discussing a situation that would please all members of the party. However, Janos (supported mainly by Toad) seems not to want such and goes on with his "New" DAL.

So to answer the question, to me the DAL is completely and utterly dead and finished "as we know it". Many members have now quit the party and are being welcomed (in most cases) to the MDP, MOO and CPP.

What about me?
Well I was one of the people trying to fix the party. I didn't say anything about moving to another party for congress (for definite). However, without even contacting me Janos removed me from the Congressional Candidates list. I did go on the "new" forums and I did get my mask but, he didn't feel the need to ask me what I was going to do.

My Good Sir, I know when I'm not wanted and before you start explaining why you removed me from the candidates list...don't. I don't need or want to know your reasons/mistakes.

I will be running with the CPP this month, I'm friends with most of their members and know I will be welcomed there.

Meanwhile, you can find the legitimate DAL members at our real forums or at #DAL on irc. We will be waiting for a chance to take our party back so keep your eyes open Janos, you will need both of them.


^Courtesy of AMM's hidden talent

I will be running in British Columbia once again under the CPP banner.
