I Have A Voice

Day 1,261, 13:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by

My name is or James for short.

This is my first article. I am a newcomer to this massive world of eRepublik and I plan on staying here for awhile.

I have been quietly listening for the past month or so and I have seen a lot in that time. I saw the arguments between the British PTO'ers and the Irish Veterans. I have seen the beautiful strategical maneuvering between Canada and Ireland to stop what would have been a Great War. I saw the great tension between the Irish and the British build up to a anti-climatic end. During this time it was all directed by Marcus Suridius. He seems to be a peaceful leader who has only set Ireland into international light. Expanding foreign relations with all of these new MPPs.

I Hope You Think Before You Vote

I Maybe New But I Have A Voice and I Hope You Have One, Too