I Have A Dream

Day 678, 15:37 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton

The night of elections, I was feeling pretty underappreciated.
It had become clear that I was not going to win in the Alabama elections. And by a terrible margin. I had begun feeling useless, and without purpose.

Then some of the awesome people on eRepublik (on the eUSA forums) helped me up.

These awesome people started giving me ideas of what I could do. Their was so many good ideas, but this idea made me feel as good as the girl in that picture.

The Democrats

Started by HR, one of it's primary purposes is to teach players game mechanics*. This game is not like RL, and it takes everyone awhile to get it. For me, I had that revelation about 2 months into the game.

The one that really got to me was it's dedication to ending partisan politics.
I've seen Partisan Politics infest our eNation. It's not healthy.
We need to focus on being a good United eNation. When we focus on anything else, it hurts us, and gives our enemies the ability to hurt us. Anyone displaying Partisan Politics in a position of power, should be removed immediately because they will do us more harm than good.

Using these 2 principals, our party is dedicated to electing experienced and intelligent leaders, from across the board not just from our party. We may run candidates from the USWP, the CVP, the Feds, anyone who is good for the nation.

Somewhat Relevant Image

*For more on game mechanics, see scrabman's article Role Play vs Game Play


My dream folks, my dream is to end partisan politics once and for all, to make our Country better.
I believe the Democrats are the best way to do this.

Traditonal Quote

"If there is a job on earth a democrat can't do--abolish the job."
-Andrew Jackson

Come visit us on the IRC!

Some Links:

Party Platform: http://www.tinyurl.com/edemsplatform
Party Forums: http://www.tinyurl.com/edemocrats
Party Page: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/democratic-party-9/1