I have 8 invitations.

Day 79, 00:00 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Ghiaccio

I will invite 8 people.

On the invitation message, it will have instructions on how to play well in Pakistan, what to do and how to invite other people. It will also include to send this invite to other people and to have those people do the same.

They might not be from /v/. If they're not, I'll have them join NSDAP or Phantom Blood or something.

We need more people. I'm not going to be nitpicky about places where I pull people from. I'll tell them not to interfere in /v/'s shenanigans. Hell, I'll make it EASY MODO for you and tell them to never post a newspaper article.

I don't care if you like it or not. I'm converting these 8 bastards and that's final.
