I Got Good News Finally

Day 1,255, 19:28 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

So tonite I got good news, finally. I'd been searching for days for access to an old forums. Tonite I got it. An old friend I'd always trusted popped up alive and well. He didn't even know he had the access he did but I never removed him even though I systematically removed everyone else, even myself.

I'm proud to announce I've regained http://praetorhq.forumotion.ca/ the old forum base. The real question is how does this relate being the nCPF that's old CPF forums. Valid question.

1. I'm tired of asking ppl to move around, if you has access before you have it now, less pissing around.

2. I cleansed it and am in the process of rewriting it, I'm not quite done yet but it happening. Most all old posts were deleted or archived, I say most because I kept a few of the game threads, nothing else there.

I'm looking for some feedback as I rewrite things as I always do my best to listen to my members. I went with a light grey bg for now because blue was passee, red looks bad and well a black background is?????, I've seen the MDP website how gay and homophobic can you be at the same time? I'll take suggestions and work on it more I'm just tired at this point tonite.

If you were already signed up you still are, if not sign up. Have a good evening all.

Aeriala, nCPF PP