I Farm So My Kids Won't Have To!

Day 573, 19:52 Published in USA USA by Socialist Freedom Org

Announcing the Grand Opening of the Socialist Freedom Party's Commune!

On May 25th, 2009, several members of the Socialist Freedom Party had finally pooled enough money from Hard Worker medals to purchase the first company of SFP Commune. The Commune is modeled after the successful communes in Russia and elsewhere around the globe. Twenty-one days later, the SFP Commune now owns 3 companies and plans on future expansions in the next few days.

Our goal is to become a self-sufficient, worker owned and democratically controlled conglomerate. We are well on our way, but there are ways you can help us achieve this goal.

Purchase commune products. We are competitively priced and often sell the excess stock from our 3 companies:
LeninAde Beverage Co. (Q1 Food)
SFP Communal Grain (Q1 Grain)
SFP Communal Oil (Q1 Oil)

Work for the commune. We only ask that you work every day, keep your wellness high and are dedicated to the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

Jobs in Land Use and Manufacturing are available.

For more information or to apply for a job, message Osmany Ramon, Commune Director.
