I denounce Dio

Day 869, 12:41 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter
My friends, I have been blinded. The manipulative dark forces of Dio have been commanding me like a puppet, but I say:


The religion of Dioism is simply a façade, a way of mind control by a small few pushing a hidden agenda to try and control the weak minded masses.

In contrast, Bobloism is a religion founded on individual freedom, on fighting the administration and on creating a world joyous and fun.

As a movement built upon rebellion against organised authority, I salute those that stand firm in the hope of creating a more spamful and creative society:

Horice G Fossil
Mr Woldy
Sir Digby Chicken-Ceasar - Current Pope
Lando Khan
Jan Baykara
And many more...

For you see, unlike Dio who is merely a puppet subject to the whims of his masters, Bob Boblo is a real living embodiment of a god upon this earth. He walks amongst us, he talks amongst us and more importantly he Spams amongst us!

I support the motion by Mr Woldy to remove that heretic from our Presidential seat.

Bobloists of the world Unite!

You have nothing to lose but your chains!


Boblo Fist!

IndieKid - Reformed Spamican

"If your hand causes you to post fail, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into BBH maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched."

- I entered BBH maimed, yet Bob healed me. His wisdom and benevolence is unrivalled.