I'd like to welcome the new citizens of ERepublik and ECanada.

Day 292, 18:40 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez
Hello to all ecitizens.

I am the proud mayor of Halifax.. The greatest city 😉

I am happy to say that our population has grown by 14 new citizens in the past 3 days. I would like to welcome these new citizens of eCanada and thank them for making Halifax their home. I have already sent gifts to many of the new players and others living in Halifax (If you have not received any gifts please send me a PM).

I have been told to expect a few companies here when the new version of ERepublik is released. (V1) So that is some more good news. All the incentives that I have laid out are still available. Link is below.

I am also happy to say that CHAOS party has been steadly growing as well, and I encourage any citizen whether they be new or experienced, to check them out and sign up if you'd like.


As usual, donations are always welcome... Especially since most of my CAD has been going out to everyone else (Including my winnings from the lottery). So if you'd like to donate to me, Halifax or even the party of CHAOS... Just go to the links below.


Halifax Incentives: [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-571161.html]What can Halifax do for you[/a]
Mayor of Halifax: [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-869172.html]Emilio Sanchez[/a]
CHAOS party: [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/party-24.html]CHAOS[/a]
President of Canada: [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-144831.html]Cottus Arci[/a]


Don't forget to subscribe and enjoy your stay.