I'd like to point something out to teh academy...

Day 482, 11:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by John F Baker

Well, once again citizens can apply to be a candidate for the next congress elections, in 8 days. Im writing this to tell you Londoners that I will be re-running. For the moment, there is nothing to persuade you, but in the next 4-5 days I'll post my manifesto, and see hopefully convince you that I can, and have, done a good job of congressman.

PS: I'd once again like to conclude this article by giving the heads-up to the most recent eRep article, bigging up Hassan and RoadRunnerSpeed on their great podcasts. I'd also like to promote the London forums here, so if you havent been there, well... your sorta.... missing out 😃. I'll also be updating this every few days instead of creating new articles. Cheers!