I can't habeeb it

Day 238, 13:58 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by William Walker

Salaam aleikum, gentlemen.

I can't habeeb it my friends. I cannot habeeb that we only have a population of 626. Even dirty Greece has surpassed us and even, yes, Iran. I am shocked and apalled. In light of this movement I will now discuss the advantages of duffle bags:

Firstly, let me explain to you what a duffle bag is.

A duffel bag (or duffle bag) or gym bag is a large cylindrical bag made of cloth with the closure at the top, often also referred to as a kit bag.[Wikpedia]

Let us examine further the advantages of the duffle bag. It is cylindrical, thus it is formed perfectly to fit large phallic objects within it, or stack a large amount of cans within them. However, the amount of cans must be sufficient to fill the entirety of the duffle bag, else it will not be able to sustain it's cylindrical form and will collapse within itself like a black hole.

It is often used to carry luggage or sports equipment by people who travel in the outdoors. [Wikpedia]

What does this mean for us? This means you can carry large amounts of sand around you whenever you want. Is this great? I don't know, you tell me.

This was William Walker for the /v/oice, from Brazil. Good day.