I Can Multi a Little, Can’t I?

Day 914, 18:49 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Education
http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad270/LiLz1111/South%20Africa/Fox_Mulder_by_Hortensie_Stone.jpg" /> I saw a post, written by current CP mulderpf, and thought the information he shared was important and should be passed on, especially just before elections:

eRep Rules say:

5. A real user may express his/her will upon only one citizen.

1. Creating or administrating multiple citizen accounts is prohibited and will result in a permanent ban. The use of the same IP by more citizens is not considered to be a criterion to determine multiple accounts.
2. Creating or using an unlawful or inappropriate avatar or citizen name is prohibited and will result in a permanent ban. Using real world brands as an avatar or citizen name is not recommended as you may be obliged to change it if the trademark owner requests it.

And in the rules addendum:

The following actions are considered a breach of the eRepublik Laws:

* creation of multiple citizen accounts;
* controlling more that one not permanently suspended citizen account in any given period of time;
* "sitting" - entering someone's citizen account while he/she is on vacation or in order to perform task in the name of that person.

As Mulderpf explained, “ Some players don't see it as a big thing, because other online games allow you to create as many users as you like. The eRepublik admins are very strict about this rule and you will be banned in no time if you are found out to have created more than one citizen account. To me, this is the most important rule of all because it's the easiest one to get banned for.”

He’s right – It’s the most frequently stated reason for someone to be banned. Sometimes the accusation is correct and sometimes it’s a misunderstanding. Using your head can help you avoid feeling the banhammer.

Why are multis bad?

We’ve all seen the problems created by multi-farms lately: Defensive Wall unfairly rise, Armies have ridiculous amounts in tanking funds giving them unfair advantage, elections are manipulated, money markets are damaged and national media blocked.

When players are discovered cheating, the accounts are banned … all of them. It doesn’t matter how much the account has accomplished or contributed. Banned accounts have 3 choices: appeal, quit, start over. None of the options are pleasant.

If more than one person in the your home wants to play the game, there are ways. The best thing to do is talk to Admin up front, before an issue arises. I’ve heard of siblings sending a picture to Admin with each player holding a sign marked with their account name. Work with Admin from the beginning in order to keep your account safe.

Admin’s wishes to protect us (and our desire to be protected) has led to one inconvenience we’ve all experienced at some point: not being able to ask a friend to ask as your account sitter should you go on holiday. The only solution I can recommend, should you be going away, is to clear your inventory to hold your house, should you have one, and food. If you’re going to be gone more than 19 days, ask a friend to donate food to you so your account eats every day. You may not gain strength or Experience Points, but you also won’t lose wellness and you’ll keep your account alive and well until your return.

Organizations are another matter: You can own as many as you please.

Many players are looking at school break and possible holidays, some may be tempted to ensure their election to congress, while others are frustrated by the number of dishonest players and have started feeling tempted to go for their ill-gained game advantages. We believe that playing smart and having a plan is a better choice for you and for South Africa.

Every citizen is important. We want you to play smart and stay with us a long, long time.

Thanks for the inspiration, Mr. President!

We Still Need Blockers!

Help defeat the Multi Hordes!

To run as a Blocker, contact Ines Schumacher or your party president. If you see someone wearing a Blocker avatar, DON’T VOTE FOR THEM! Send them your love, but give your vote to a legitimate, endorsed candidate. Keeping eSouth Africa united is up to us all!

Thanks, friends!