I can't believe we still have to do this, but... New Players, Be Warned!

Day 1,650, 08:54 Published in USA USA by DeyoZero

Update May 28, 2012 (Day 1651): General Cartman Lee is permanently banned for using multiple accounts. He'll inevitably be back, using the same idiotic tactics. New players be warned!

This article is to inform all new players of a mentally ill backstabber who has never passed up an opportunity to harm this country and its players. He will disguise his efforts with words like "freedom", "elitist", and "official". He will pathologically lie about his history, his authority, and his intent. He will never wish for your success.

The current country president has confirmed publically that General Cartman Lee is yet another clone of Ajay Bruno.

Ajay Bruno has lied, manipulated, and in some cases physically threatened this nation and its players.

General Cartman Lee has no position within this nation or its alliances. He is a griefer whose stubbornness forces him to ignore his negligible chances for success. Any promises he makes are empty, and any claims of reform are false.

Do not trust General Cartman Lee.

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