I came here to die

Day 264, 06:28 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Diarmuid Trelsman

After being in a coma for months, I decided that I'll finally end it, once and for all. I'm out of food, out of money, and goddamnit......I'm ready to die. I think I've come to the point where I can let go.....................................t he blood is almost dried

You might ask why I came to Czech Republic as my (second to) final act. Well, it's a pretty obvious answer. The country is dead, and so am I. I see this as eRepublik's graveyard. I mean, this is where Vaclav's political career is buried, and unless some kooky kids decide to have some fun with the remains of it, it'll stay buried here.

So, in this dead country I lie on the ground, waiting to decompose

..............may the bugs eat my eFlesh quickly