I Call It A Success!

Day 839, 12:18 Published in USA USA by James Skyrider

Several days ago, I started a gift initiative to do what I could in order to get people to move to Karnataka. As a reminder, here's the article:


Well, I want to report to you how successful it has been. Since I wrote that article, I have given out well over 200 gifts. I can't give you an exact number because I stopped keeping track after 200. I am still getting people trickling in, but for the most part, the activity level has slowed down. The offer I made in the above article still stands by the way.

In addition to that initiative, I decided to just start messaging people directly. So what I did is I went to the country administration page and clicked on the society tab. There, it tells you how many people are online in the USA at any given time. Then it gives you the option to see who exactly is online. So I just started going through the list of people that were online at the time and pmed the people that were not living in Karnataka. I sent out approx 110 pm's two days ago. I told them that I would give them a moving ticket and would gift them two wellness if they would move to Karnataka. I am still hearing back from them, and as of now, I have given out about 40 moving tickets out of that 110.

I see my efforts as successful for the most part (and hope it continues to be) and am glad that I undertook this endeavor. But I didn't do it alone. I want to thank Colin Lantrip for all his support and his donations. He volunteered to supply all the tickets that I needed and he also made very substantial cash donations so that I could buy the necessary gifts. Colin Lantrip is probably the most generous person I know in this game and is ALWAYS willing to help. I am proud to call him a friend. He has done more for this country than you will probably ever know eMerica. When you have a minute, you should send him a thank you. I also want to thank Luis Fong and FetusBong for their donations as well. And thank you to all of you who took me up on my offers and moved to Karnataka. You did what was best for your country at this moment and you are to be commended for that.

I also want to thank Julian Mizu for his efforts in trying to get people to move and for his work with his RiPl Foundation. To learn more about it, read his latest article below or send him a message. He is always glad to help however he can and he wants more people to get involved.


So as I said, my offer in my previous article still stands. Thank you all for helping to make this a success.