I bid you farewell, eRepublik

Day 787, 13:36 Published in USA USA by HeinekenCoC

It has taken me exactly 255 days to notice that eRepublik is just a huge waste of my time. 255 days, good god.

Today, after a bit of reflection, I have noticed that eRep has become a chore more than anything. I have also found that it is pointless in pursuing the status of the older players, because all they have to do is 2-click to stay ahead of me.

Additionally, I simply do not like this game anymore due to the blatant ignorance and neglect from the admins. They go on thinking about Mountains, Project Managers, AA Guns, and loads of other whimsical bullshit, when, unbeknownst to them, their player-base is infuriated by their blatant ignorance.


Friends I have made in my time on eRepublik

Anyway, I will use this opportunity to thank all of those whom have been friendly/and or a help to me, including Cerb who brought me to this game, Blue Holt, Daniel Hawkins, Shoot, Gaius Julius, JeepAmerica, Lieutenant Scheisskopf, Joe Newton, Dio and last but certainly not least, Emerick.

Enemies I have made in my time on eRepublik

I will not flatter anyone by mentioning them in my farewell article, but you guys know who you are.

Final Thoughts

My time on this game has been splendid and of course, I cannot quit without resigning from the Army, the only true family I had while in this game. It has been a pleasure working with you guys, and to the new players reading this article, I suggest you join the Military and help our eNation prosper.

It is with sadness that I say Good-Bye. I will let you all know that I will not be returning. I have thought this through and have concluded that leaving eRepublik is best for me and my rl future.

Sincerely, HeinekenCoC.