I Answer Questions From People

Day 809, 20:45 Published in USA USA by Fionia

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In this article
NAU Update
People Asked Me Stuff

NAU Update

Now, this article was originally intended to be just a fun article with people asking me various questions, but, as always, there's something else to mention first: I am no longer Dean of the North American University. That is Robert Grosseteste's job now. I'll be helping him get used to his new job, but if you have questions about registering for classes or what's happening with classes you're currently signed up for, don't ask me, ask Robert Grosseteste.

I'd like to thank all of the teachers for the work they've done while I've been in charge, and I hope that the progress will continue and the plans I was working on for the NAU will be fulfilled.

YOU Interview Me!

So, as some of you know, a few days ago, I asked both in shouts and on IRC for any questions that people wanted me to answer. I got quite a few, and here are the best, broken down into three categories: Questions about my eLife in general, questions about my political career, and questions about my real life.
General eRep Questions

"I just wish I knew your eRepublik beginning -- foundings" - from Robert Grosseteste
My beginning? Two-clicking in Russia. I started there in February, moved to Canada in May or June, then to the US in early July. My political career began with my first Congressional run, in August (the typical two-clicker run with no platform). I wasn't approved as an official candidate, but I was directed to the USWP forums and told that if I wanted to run, I should become involved in the party. Mid-September, I actually decided to do that, and I also started my newspaper then. Even though I'd been playing for 7 months at that point, I'd have to say that that was my real beginning in the game, the foundation of everything I've done since.

"Why did you call yourself Fionia and not Fiona? To be difficult?" - from Mr Hyphenated
Well, IRL my name is Fionna. And one day, around the time I started, I wrote my name down for I-forget-what, and somebody thought the second 'n' was an 'i'. With that incident fresh in my mind, I decided to use Fionia as my name, because I, for some strange reason, thought it would be harder for people to misspell. I was wrong, clearly.

(For more about my name, see this article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/a-brief-spelling-lesson-1164908/1/20)

"What do you like about the eUSA and the game in general?" - from Jude Connors
The eUSA is filled with an incredible amount of interesting people.....many of them more interesting than the people that I'm surrounded with IRL at my high school. As for the game itself, I keep playing because this is a place where the work that I do actually means something and is appreciated by other people, a concept that does not apply in any way to 90% of the work I do at school.

"What's your favorite/best/most important accomplishment on eRep?" - from Joe Newton
I would have to say that the end of the first week of the current NAU term, the first one where I've been in charge, was my greatest accomplishment to date. Having been given charge of the NAU right around Christmas, and starting with almost no knowledge of what I was supposed to do, I felt extremely proud of being able to pull everything together (all the teachers, students, the schedule). To look at all the time, work, and stress I had invested, and to see people learning....that was amazing.

"Who has been/is your fav POTUS?" - from Archer Bullseye
I'm going to say the first one that I knew about, when I started paying attention to the news in the game, which would be Emerick.

"Ever run into the banhammer or the warning?" - from Silence Deathstalker
No. I keep myself out of trouble. The only way I could see myself running into the banhammer is if I lost my temper completely (usually that is just contained to IRC ranting).

Questions About Politics

http://www.erepublik.com/images/achievements/icon_achievement_congressman_on.gif" width="100" height="139">

"How did you decide to run in New York?" - from touchdown_thomas
I decided because somebody was already running in NH for the USWP in September. I went through the list of states, seeing where people hadn't signed up. I looked at that list, and decided that I liked New York the best. I was just entering politics at that point, and was completely clueless about the general process.

"Why Congress?" - from Jude Connors
Why not? When I first decided to get active in politics, that seemed like the main route. Of course, I didn't know then how Congress really works, since I only joined the eUS forums when I got into Congress. Why did I stay? The first three terms, I stayed because I felt like I personally hadn't done enough yet, and that I needed to keep going until I accomplished something. Why did I come back after taking a month off? Insanity, I guess. I wanted to get into the Congressional leadership, and I also had been very unhappy at the end of my third term, and wanted to come back and shake things up.

"What advice will you give to others if they want to become a Congressman?" - from rui lin
The most important advice, in my opinion, is to get involved in your party. Be friendly, and get to know the party leaders. Running for Congress is near impossible if you try to go it alone, without support from anyone.

"When you retire from Congress, what challenge will you tackle next?" - from Vincenzo Macena
I'm not entirely sure yet. I'm planning on retiring from Congress at the end of my 5th term (the next one), because I'll be two-clicking for most of April, but once I get back in early April, I'm not sure what my next project will be. Maybe becoming more involved in the military, or moving up more in politics.

"Ever thinking of running for POTUS?" - from Jude Connors
I've considered it, yes 😉. At this point, it won't be a possibility until at least May, or more likely June.

"How do you keep playing day after day during different periods of citizen growth?" - from Silence Deathstalker
Two main reasons: I want to be known, and I want to help out. This goes back to an earlier answer, really. In eRepublik, the work I do means something to somebody other than myself. What I do with the NAU helps other people learn more about the game, and helps them become more informed, active players. What I do in politics may not help people as much, but it's part of accomplishing my other goal: being well-known not just for being a girl, but for being intelligent, friendly, and helpful. As long as there are people playing that want to be helped, I'll be here to help.

"Please share your goals and ambitions." - from Allinone69
My main goal right now is getting all of the medals at least once. I've already gotten three of them, but I'm nowhere near close to getting the other 5. My ambitions I essentially described in the answer to the previous question: to help and to be known.

"Fionia, if you could say anything to Devoid, what would it be?" - from DanielCD
Gtfo out of my state 😛. As much as I love NY, I am a Granite Stater (from NH) IRL. I want the chance to represent my home state at least once; because even if states do mean nothing, it's still a point of pride.

RL Questions

"What is your name? What is your quest? What is the cruising speed of a swallow carrying a coconut?" - from Lurviantor
I think you know the answer to this one 😛.

"When I relax, if I'm not playing eRepublik, I'm..." - from Vincenzo Macena
Reading, editing video, watching Monty Python, or sleeping, mainly.

(The next two questions are related, so I answered them together.)
"Will you go to college? If so, what major will you choose?" - from Vincenzo Macena
"What are you going to study in college and what occupation do you think you will seek following graduation? Would your eRepublik experience also prepare you for it in any way and how?" - from Iasov
Yes, I will be going to college, and I'm planning on majoring in film and possibly double majoring in international politics. I hope to become a screenwriter/director, although being an ambassador/diplomat has always appealed to me as well. I don't think my eRepublik experience will help me much with film, but it might help if I do end up in international politics. eRep, along with my Model UN experience, have helped me learn how to debate and negotiate.

"Who are your best buds in game?" - from Jude Connors
You, for one. Also, b. k. blake, DanielCD, Iasov, Devan Kronos (obviously), and probably many more that aren't immediately coming to mind.

"If I could spend a day with one person from eRep, it would be...?" - from Vincenzo Macena
Hmmm....this is a tough decision. There's a lot of great, friendly people that I've met, but I would have to say either b. k. blake or DanielCD.

"Q: Explain why you are so awesome." - from JeepAmerica
Well, first off, that's not a question 😛. Secondly, I don't know. I just am 😃. I'd like to think it's because of my work ethic and personality, but I'm not sure. I'll let my readers answer that one.

Where do you buy your hats? - from Patches O'Houlihan
I bought the one in my profile pic at Spencer's in my local mall. I have some other hats that people haven't seen pics of, and those were gifts from friends.

How are you doing today? - from Zqym
Pretty well, thanks. I spent the day at a Model UN conference, which was a bit tiring but a lot of fun for me.

That's all for tonight folks. As always, thanks for reading, voting, and subscribing. I hope this was at least entertaining!

Signing off,