I am running

Day 1,659, 07:46 Published in USA USA by DiabloGunner

I am announcing my race for Party President of the CvP
What would I be focusing on? Recruiting! yes that would be my objective as Party President.

So if I win, you better be ready to help Recruit.
My goal with Recruiting is to get us in the Top 5.

So you may ask who is going to be my Cabinet

Vice President- Mattoze
Vice President- Allenwebster
Yes I have will have two Vice Presidents.
Party Secretary- Herra Karkkimies
Party Whip/Journalist- t0b1
Party Head of Business- Carlini8
New Member Coordinator- Vardev
Head Recruiter- Andrew Cameron
Party Ambassador- Ishamael Naeblis
Chief Military Officer- Mitro
Security Detail- Evry
Public Relations- WaspIV

If any of you listed don't want to be in the Cabinet just pm me and I can get somebody else.

And that's pretty much it, Good Luck to who ever else is running.
And I would appreciate Your Vote.