I am President!

Day 657, 00:52 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by William Walker

Yay! It has a bitter aftertaste, however, due to the fact that yet again multis have ravaged raped and pillaged our beloved one-province country of beloved Pakistan. It appears that this will have no end. It seems as if the upper class of Romania/Hungary/Iran come here every month to get their presidency trophy and then move on without any complaints. Then the next guy comes and brings his multis. As the president of Pakistan I urge that Iran, Romania and Hungary stop these kind of practices and does not abuse the rights of the Pakistan theocracy. Thanks. You probably won't even read this either, or be able to since you are pig-disgusting. But that's ok, it's not your fault.

In other news, I am on the 2nd Island in Evil Genius! Holy shit it is expensive when you start building everything from scratch, I tell ya. Especially when Mariana Mamba (whore) and Jet Chan (faggot) keep on popping up to randomly kill your guys who are working hard to get this base built. Don't they know that each of those minions has a family? A family in my base. Oh and that frostanova whore is also coming around, I just confuse her and then it's all good. So, who else is playin' the Evil Genius? Share your experiences here cuz' eRep is shit.

Also I complained that we were ravaged my multis:

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