I am from Croatia, take me to Amerika

Day 3,727, 10:21 Published in Croatia Croatia by Sexy Macan

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So, when eUSA started their voting for AS, honestly, we had absolutely no idea what was going on. During the day we were trying to find out what was going on, was it a troll proposal, a mistake, first wave of something bigger, no idea whatsoever. Especially cause we never had grudges against eUSA, we were helping them, considered them friends, they claimed all the time to be neutral.... There was absolutely no reason for their attack.
When our prime minister sent a message to their CP what is going on, the only answer he got was:
Declaration of war's point is to go to war.

Nothing, absolutely nothing. From a "neutral" country we considered friends. And still, no explanation whatsoever.

I don't know for the others I consider it as a personal insult. Yes, we know that eUSA people are not the same as their government. We are fully aware of that. But eUSA government has spat on our faces yesterday, completely unprovoked. And yes, we are pissed. We are not the last shithole (vukojebina on croatian, google the meaning) and we refuse to be treated like that. We are not as strong as some other countries, we are a country that gives mixed feelings to people, they either love us or despise us. But I am so glad to see how much people DID NOT fight for eUSA, including their own "allies" (to those allies we can only say to watch their backs from eUSA "friends", if they back stabbed us, I wouldn't be surprised if eSweden, eLatvia or someone else is next). It shows what erepublik community thinks of eUSA's dick move. It was mostly 1 vs 1 fight (mostly, not only, so I wish to thank to all allies and friends that fought with us) and I can not even explain how glad I am that eUSA has broken their teeth on us. They probably thought we'll be an easy bite but you have bitten much, much more than you were able to swallow. Gluttony is obviously a TM for eUSA.

I am so happy for the unity we showed yesterday, eUSA didn't stand a chance from the beginning of the battle till the end. For the first time I saw how a country that set CO from the very first moment of battle didn't manage to score a single point. eUSA made a dick move. And now, when they broke their teeth, when we're bringing to battle to their doors, their pants are shivering and we can see a mass reaction of AS's on eCroatia. I won't play a prophet, I have no idea what'll be happening in next few days, I don't plan to call on everyone to fight them, people who are tired of dick moves, who are tired of "world police", people who just wanna have fun... come and fight. If you don't want, fine, we'll do it ourselves. But something like this cannot go without a reaction.