I Am Disappoint

Day 865, 20:30 Published in USA USA by Dodgercatcher

It seems that when the going gets tough, everyone buys a Q5 bunker and stalks up on Q1 food. For I am disappoint. Let me explain...

What the world needs is an uniting force to help everyone get through the long eDays. I have a proposition for this current world lost in constant conflict, political differences, and general unrest. I am disappoint that nobody had thought of the idea before because I believe that it could change the eWorld just in time for v2 to ruin it. What I propose is:

I propose that we make everyday Caturday and maybe, just maybe the world will be a better place. I know that I love a good Caturday and that others do too. If we are going to go in and try to change the eWorld why not to spread some good religion, good morals, and all around good fun?

I believe that the eWorld will always be locked into a Good vs Evil battle of two Goliaths but if you could make a middle ground the true meaning of eLife will become apparent and we will all find Ceiling Cat so when we go up (or down to Basement Cat) we can wage our wars with no fear. So go ahead and post that lolcat or make that funny comment. Together we can make the world a better place, one lolcat and Caturday at a time.

Yours Truly,
DC - Leading The Lolcat Revolution