I am broken.. Help me PLEASE ! [EN/MK]

Day 1,848, 10:44 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Aexil Kong Junior

Hi guys..

You all know that I help to everyone when I can.

But now, I am really broken.

Please help me with donating anything.

This 4 gold are to buy weaps that my team donated for the successfull RW and I must have that amount of weaps for their another RW. For supply. 🙂

* I will not say the qualities of the weaps becaus of respect o7

List of donations :
syd666 has transferred 30 Weapons to your storage.
Daanitha has transferred 3 Gold to your account.
Daanitha has transferred 300 MKD to your account.
Daanitha has transferred 50 Weapons to your storage.
mkdfighter97 has transferred 20 MKD to your account.
mkdfighter97 has transferred 2 Weapons to your storage.
mkdfighter97 has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
Alex Dekov has transferred 200 MKD to your account.
Brigate Rossonero Born Brigate has transferred 6 Weapons to your storage.
ApocalipseMNA has transferred 150 MKD to your account.
Valeri Nanchev has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
Valeri Nanchev has transferred 100 MKD to your account.
Valeri Nanchev has transferred 1 Gold to your account.
Stubica has transferred 100 MKD to your account.
gocedelcev2 has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
vinaconc has transferred 85 MKD to your account.
mak bang bang has transferred 60 MKD to your account.
mak bang bang has transferred 8 Weapons to your storage.
FBIDOG has transferred 100 MKD to your account.
FBIDOG has transferred 956 Food to your storage.
MYBALZICH has transferred 11 Weapons to your storage.
Persej Makedonski has transferred 78 Food to your storage.
Persej Makedonski has transferred 11 Food to your storage.
Mrsen Zver has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage.
Mrsen Zver has transferred 3 Weapons to your storage.
Mrsen Zver has transferred 200 MKD to your account.
kokan p has transferred 100 MKD to your account.
Persian Punisher has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
Magnus of Macedon has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
Wild Quark has transferred 100 MKD to your account.
kjlaf has transferred 150 MKD to your account.
MDFKing has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage.
MDFKing has transferred 250 Food to your storage.
chunchokarateka has transferred 2000 MKD to your account.
chunchokarateka has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
chunchokarateka has transferred 100 Weapons to your storage.
eltoki has transferred 1000 MKD to your account.
Jorge SSC has transferred 600 Food to your storage.
Jorge SSC has transferred 1 Gold to your account.
Jorge SSC has transferred 300 MKD to your account.
anonimo1234567890 has transferred 200 MKD to your account.
anonimo1234567890 has transferred 0.03 Gold to your account.
anonimo1234567890 has transferred 3 Weapons to your storage.
DKUKUSEV has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
vlatk00 has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
vlatk00 has transferred 50 MKD to your account.

Thank you all o7


Здраво пријатели

Сите знаете дека помагам на секого кога можам/

Но сега,западнав во криза

Ве молам помогнете ми со донации

Ги имам оние 4 голд бидејки РВ тимот ми донираше тенкови за поделби за платеници за секое РВ.

Нема да го кажам квалитетот на оружјето и храната од донациите,од респект о7

Ви благодарам однапред о7

Ne mi donirajte povekje ! NEMA KRIZA VEKJE ! Vi blagodaram na site za donaciite ! Izlegov od krizata o7

Help me !!! / Помогни ми !!!