I am an Elite and I am Proud.

Day 2,028, 13:01 Published in Belgium Belgium by Konrad Neumann

You know what, I am proud of being an elite. Why shouldn't I be. You know what, I think you all should be proud of being an elite as well. For why shouldn't we be? We are enjoying ourselves and we find purpose and meaning from what we are doing. It is indeed strange to see HOPE and other radical elements of the community use the term elite as something bad.

You can look at some of their rhetoric on how they use the term "Elite" in a negative connotation.

Donkey Pedro started to play this game less than a month and allready yhe did more for all of Ebe then the elite PTO clan.

I want to write about the lack of Democracy and openness in batches, government, and parties in Belgium. I wanted to start earlyer fighting the power horny elite but like manny "RIP AVEGAN" I got bored in politics ... making people bored is the elite's biggest weapon! DONT GET BORED JOIN HOPE OR PANDA!!

What strikes me and makes me sad is our Countrys policy, you follow the elite or you get banned and wil become the black sheep. (Same Article)

There are many more but you got the idea. They enjoy bashing the elite but what exactly is an elite. For what is an Elite? Some would say an Elite is group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status. Another way to describe an elite is a small group of people who control a disproportionate amount of wealth or political power. So for the record, I am an elite and I am proud of it. I am less so of an economic elite for I am not wealthy. I currently have no weapons company and a Q3 food company. I only have 117 gold and 515 CC. I am far from an economic elite but I am a political elite.

Many of you are elites as well. For anyone who are active in the realm of politics is an elite for you are indeed in the minority who is having a superior political status (voting and being active). So let's look at HOPE and their leadership. It is indeed ironic and strange that they are constantly declaring HOPE is the largest party in eBE. They are only 47 members at the time of writing this article and if you compare it to 590 eBE citizens, they are only 7.9 percent of the country. Yet they control 25 percent of the congress. That is pretty elite in my opinion.

Also, looking at the congress or any political role, it is a pretty elitist position. In eBE there are 30 congress seats. 7 of their members are hyper elites who are in the congress are the 1.186 percent. These hyper elites includes GW Junior who on one hand continues to bash the elites but he is himself the 1.186 percent.

Let's take a look Vincent Pain who is running for PP of HOPE. In any country, only the top 5 parties are the main parties of the country. There is only one spot so to be PP of a top 5 party of any nation, it is 1 out of 5. In eBE's case, Vincent Pain is 0.84 percent. That is also assuming that we was not PP before. He was PP many times before so he is a top top elite.

Also, people like Piss, GW, Pain etc all have a newspaper. Owning a newspaper itself is an elite for many do not have/ or use it. Owning and using the newspaper allows them to have a significant political advantage as it allows them a medium to express their ideas or in their case rhetoric that most citizens cannot. So writing an anti elite rant in their paper is an elitist act.

I think you got the idea that they are anti-elite elites. They like to use rhetoric base on their radical ideology but they are themselves the very thing they claim to combat. So I really think it is dishonest for them to continue saying that they are anti elites for they themselves are elites who has much greater power than most in eBE/ in this game.

I would say that anyone who votes and are politically active (does not have to be in office) is an elite. For if we look at the last congress election, only 139 people voted. Those who did vote are the 25.56 percent. So HOPE is against the politically active and favors the inactive no-clickers? Maybe this is why they need illegal citizens but if they vote, they too are elites...

So what is wrong with being an elite? I think those who are elites should be proud of themselves for they are active and contributing to the discourse of the game . It is not a slanderous word and it should not be used with a negative connotation. When HOPE said I am an elite, I think it is a nice complement but I am not sure why saying myself and others as active and contributing members of society will aid their cause. In the end, I am a proud elite and I hope you are one too.