I am afraid for eEgypt

Day 1,224, 10:30 Published in Egypt Croatia by Adriatic_Rage

Dear countrymen, hard times await! I fear the worst! I want to tell you whats on my mind hoping you will hear me out and react accordingly!

As you all know, presidential elections are about to take place. Prime candidate, or the-chosen-one is Arab League who, in this article, already announced his cabinet. I talked to some of them, like Varlosh, about-to-be MoD, and think he chose interesting people, but can they do the job? I fear that future government doesnt know where to go, which path to take and their final destination. I fear the worst, I fear that eEgypt will not join, in near future, EDEN alliance only because our (about to be) leaders dont realise the importance that of it.

We are surrounded, from all sides, by enemies and we cant do anything but to wait for them to strike. Or can we? Lets hope together that our future government will make significant progress towards joining EDEN alliance.

Resistance War
There were some shouts about how „it's not important where you fight“, because that region is originally Saudi Arabia and therefore we can let it go. Don't listen to them! Some of my squad members did, but we turned the score made by us for Saudi around! Our members (Lock&Load) are currently taking places among best top 5 fighters in, so far, each battle hoping Egypt will keep this region. Join the fight on Egypt side!

Click on the image to go to battle!

Troubles in eCroatia
Our most valuable ally, my home country and where most of the first, original government comes from is in trouble. Croatia and Serbia are currently fighting for year percentage in the score bar and so far, Serbia was more than successful in taking half of Croatian regions! Supporting them and supporting Brazil should be our goal! Helping them means helping us!

No orders?
Last few days I didn't see ANY official orders coming out in official MoD newspapers. That can't be good… but I am the new MoD and the new CP will take actions concerning this and that orders will coming out EVERY day!
Also – EACH citizen MUST vote official newspapers with orders! It is crucial for every citizen, new or old to know where to hit!
Updating orders is very important, because on chat on channels like #eegypt.army and #eegypt you can found same 4-5 people, mostly inactive = afk. So, you can conclude that people arent coming on chat or forum, or maybe there isnt more than 20-30 active people all together? That has to change! This brings us to our next topic, and that is economy in eEgypt!

EDIT: Orders posted today, vote them!

Economy in eEgypt
Lack of battles -> lack of people -> decrease in demand for food and weapons -> too much products on market -> prices go down!

So, in order to improve market status, we must do the following:
Bring new people. How? Make them want to come! …if there's no baby boom ofc, meaning that why would someone come when there's no battles here? Why would anyone buy food when there's no need for them to use their 300 wellness for that day? Make people want to fight, make them fight for eEgypt! Also, people lose 0.5 strength with each training because eEgypt doesn't have natural enemy (NE)! Even Taiwan has it – South Korea! We should make an agreement with a neighbouring country to proclaim them NE for time being so we can solve all of our issues:
1) have more active battles
2) attract more people
3) improve prices on market
How can people in this new, still very young and growing country make progress when there are no predispositions for it? Make them! Make them want to join military forces, make them buy food and weapons, allow them to train with more bonuses and make them like being here!
Egypt will never become a force if some changes wont be introduced!

Lets hope together, that those who should, will see and do what has to be done!


p.s. Lock & Load will keep defending eEgypt!