I'm Running for ESO PP

Day 1,388, 11:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by stockyrocky310597

Fine starter for me

To all ESO members and all who wish to join
Today I am going to make a proposal to you

Damn, wrong type

The title should say it all, but for you retarded, I mean less intelligent people. If you elect me, this is what I am planning to do for this month.

Ok, joking aside, here we go:
Firstly, I will in a policy document to help newer people running for congress/PP in writing their manifesto's. The first manifesto (as I well know) if very difficult to write as you just going "What the hell should I put". Eventually you end up basing it on someone else's and then you haven't really learnt anything and then when it comes around again, you do the same. As many people know, ESO likes to let newer people have a run at congress and manifestos are confuzzlebuzzmeling. This is what I want to do in this term.

Secondly, our congress performances lately haven't been, amazing. We have 5 people in congress at the moment, 16.13% for you boffins. Honestly, we can't do much as TUP and UKRP have many more members than us. Hopefully if we can vote well we can get more people in, I am hoping for 10+ people.

Thirdly, our IRC and forums seen fairly, dead. In our latest "In-party census", about 80% of people preferred for messages and news to be conveyed via the forums. This is an area we can improve on hopefully.


To make ESO a more powerful prospect in eUK's politics, we need more members. If I can find some nutters, I mean willing volunteers, I wish to message newer players to make sure they keep playing the game and to try and recruit them into ESO to make us a more prominent force in the politics of this country.

I know I've been going on about politics, but that's what a party is about. I hope I can count on your vote on the 15th.

To nearly finish off, our ESO party banner

Oh and by the way, those epic graphic banners were, epic and we could do with some more.

Thanks for reading
