I'd like to update the academy...

Day 478, 12:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by John F Baker

Well, its been 16 days, and aproximately half of my term up as Wildcard Congressman for London. I have to say, the learning curve has been quite steep. When I campaigned and shoved my manifesto in Bob and ThomasR26's newspaper, I had only limited ideas of what to expect if I suceeded and made it. I can tell you now - it stretched my expectations to australia and back. In just over 2 weeks, I have felt like a true voice of not just London, but the eUK. In a forum where there is so much messing around (in a great, fun way), I found a truly proffesional and efficient environment. Over the course, I have had my say in the various conversations and debates, and have made my mark in the voting hall.

There is'nt a specific purpose for this article, allbeit a short, rambling one, apart from to thank the people of London once more for lending me this opportunity to try something new, and grow a great foundation of knowledge, which I hope will help me and convinve you that I can have the role of congressman, and use it effectively.

John F. Baker

PS: I'd like to bigup the 12 March Economist on a great issue, and especially praise Scipio on a spiffing column which has summed up quite nicely the goings on in the UK and abroad. I'd also like to give a shout of encouragement to Romania!!! Keep those indonesian idiots out of reach of europe. I'm sure behind JerryGFL, we can supply and support you with your war effort to the very end! On a final note, perhaps we should be getting some stretches done and grab our gortex, as the possibility of 'safe' war might arise with an MPP with Croatia!!!

Once again, good evening.