Hyuu For Congress

Day 546, 22:51 Published in Australia Australia by Hyuu

Hi evrybody i would like you to know i am running for congress this is why i am writing to persuade you vote for me people in NT

Foreign Policy

My foreign poicy is eAustralia in my opinion should make a regional alliance with Indonesia, New Zealand when they join and the philipines.Citizens however may exercise they're freedom overseas and reap the benefits of training outside the borders with the XP and Strength. eAustralian citizens should also must always be wary of their actions that could endanger the relationship between our country and its neighbors.


I encourage fair trading and discourage monopiliztion thankfully we haven't seen much yet.My view on taxes is that they should be lowered as the treasury goes higher and import taxes should be lowered so we can have more variety and value as more company's = lower prices


i believe we should have a controlled amount of people coming in to eAustralia to prevent if it happens a political takeover by having 10 people a month and i there is more we sanction the people who have just come and we will find this out by asking immigrants to declare they're arrival here from say eUK and if there is more they cannot get a job by company's firing illegal immigrants and if they don't they get a fine until the new citizenship module is out in case this will be void.

Thankyou and please value my article by voting it up as i want to get in

1 more thing i am super active again after a month of RL trubles like bullying as one put it that way but im good again now and ready to role!!