Hungry trying to provoke eUSA Congress & POTeUS ?

Day 647, 04:26 Published in USA USA by Ksedin

During my normal visit to Republik, i got a strange alert today :

Szocialis Miniszterium has transfered 1 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.
1 hours ago the donation consisted of Q1 bread.

I've decided to check who that Szocialis Miniszterium and found Hungrian Organization which is probably equal to "Meals on Wheels" programm.

Szocialis Miniszterium also sent, probably same Q1 bread donations, to every Congress member & President of eUSA.

Looks like an attempt to provoke officials of eUSA.

UPDATE: I donate that Q1 bread received to our national Meals on Wheels program and i know that all AAP senators shall do the same.