Hungary/Poland/Serbia and the Magic Hot Air Balloon

Day 1,173, 21:43 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Dncelyn

Woe is me, my dear citizens! As I lay here eDying, I have some very important news to tell you all! The Magic Hot Air Balloon has done something terrible. She has done the worst thing possible.

She has finally taken over all of Europe.

For you see, a year ago, the Magical Hot Air Balloon took over the country of Poland. Using her mind powers, she messed up the minds of several Polish leaders, then set cloning facilities up to manufacture a Polish "babyboom."

The Order of the DNC tried to stop her but they were too late. We continued resisting operations but it was an uphill battle. Many of the members were killed by the MHAB, and things weren't looking good. No new countries were falling to the MHAB though, and it was this thought they kept us fighting the long war!

But then it happened. Lana ascended into the Noble Circle of Admins and, as the Balloon's lesbian lover, used her newfound power to destroy all those who oppose MHAB.

She allowed the Balloon to mind-PTO the countries of Poland and Hungary.

Yes, it's true! These countries and more are all PTOed by the MHAB! This is why they have made such radical changes to their foreign affair agenda!

You must listen to me, everyone, please! We must unite together to defeat this ultimate threat! The Balloon is rising, my fellow comrades! We must fight against her, we must win, WE MUST NOT DEATH!