Hungary - one step ahead

Day 789, 23:45 Published in Romania Romania by sebahmah

Hungary - one step ahead.. again



If we want a real baby-boom we have to stop with this spam your yahoo list or mail invites.
The real deal is gaming communities, platforms like computer games or online communities similar to neogen. Anything else is just crap.

When we thought we got the upper hand, there you go.. Hungary turns the table.

Think about this:

Brains matter 1%, user count matters 99%. Just like in RL with work and brilliance. If we want to compete and put to good use our good strategists we need to give them the environment to be competitive. Always trailing in user count is a huge handicap and will bring auto-lose situations quite often.

MODs and MoFAs were considered the most important leadership tools. I say things changed, having someone who can pull strings and get a real life article on a huge online platform is 10 times more important.

The way i see things:
If a romanian nobody would run for presidency with an average to unknown team, with almost no experience but with the a guaranteed article on i would personally start advocating for his run at president.

This what matters. User count. Especially with the new modules coming, our GDP and Gold engines must boost.

Sa ne auzim invingatori,