Hungarian invasion

Day 1,621, 01:08 Published in Austria Hungary by Goonrider
Hello everybody today i want to speak about why the f*ck we don't get back our territories,yes i know it was a peaceful deal but i don't see our territories and also Slovenia is invading us i think soon there won't be a a a Austria anymore only a lot of pieces of land in control of other countries but don't pay to much attention of what i say. Now cause i am a normal newspaper here a joke to finish this :Two zebras pondering
Two zebras are talking and one asks the other, "Am I black with white
stripes or white with black stripes?" The other replies, "Well I don't
know. You should pray to God about that and ask him." So that night he did
and God replied, "You are what you are." The next day he said to the other
zebra, "I still don't understand what I am because God just said, You are
what you are." The second zebra responds, "You must be white with black
stripes or else God would have said, Yo is what yo is."