Humpty Dumpty or did RTS sit on the wall

Day 3,557, 11:27 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D


We have all heard the children's rhyme 'Humpty Dumpty' when we were growing up. About an egg who sat on a wall, but fell off and couldn't be put back together. Listening to this reminded me of a few sayings that I heard growing up as a child, sayings like:

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

We have all most likely seen the latest load of spam articles from RTS and his on and off again buddy BDR, but let us take a close look at them.

- Accusations from both about Kattiaa and be a multi maker
- Accusations that I am a multi maker

mmmm multies... oh wait, I forget to look at BDR's profile:

What???? a temp ban???

Banned?? for multi making??

I wonder who let in this multi maker?

Oh oh oh RTS, why did you let in a multi maker, after every accusation you have made against half of eIreland

Well, that makes you wonder about all the other accusations BDR spread and RTS tried to turn into fact, like:

- I organised BDR to be impeached so I could become CP.... ummm No, there was a coup led by Elite C and Dil: article, sorry you are wrong again RTS, but I guess that is what happens when you listen to a liar.

- I stole the RBA funds when I was Aussie MoF... yet another lie, and eRep will show the way....:

Article from Callumh123 announcing him and Viado running, as well as their plan to investigate the missing funds.
Article Viado doing a CP article stating the money is back.
Article written by Saiwun where he states "However, no cabinet was publicly published, and those appointed in game failed to step up"
Link to Rapheal Saints winning the Aussie CP in Jan 2017 (during which the money was stolen).
Link Rusty D being accepted into eIreland Jan 2017.... damn I was MoF while in Ireland??

And a touch of youtube to see out this article: