Humble Beginnings

Day 442, 21:41 Published in USA USA by Al-Iksander

Welcome to the first edition of Eppur Si Muove. I will mostly be writing on political or other developments, though if I think it is important enough I will write about it. I cannot promise to write on a regular basis, but when I do write an article I will try to make sure it is of a good quality.

As you all know, the Country Presidential elections are tomorrow. I am sure that you have heard this countless times, but do not forget to vote tomorrow. Even if you don't care about the candidates, even if you are frustrated that your party is not represented amongst them, you can still vote for the fact that you will gain experience points, which do have tangible benefits, such as gold, voting rights, and so forth.

I will vote tomorrow, even though the party that I am a member of, the Democratic Party, is not currently represented. I am sorry to see that, and I hope that in the coming months we can rise up the ranks once more. I do not expect you to become a member of the Democratic Party after reading this, but why not give it a shot? We need more active members, new members are always appreciated.

-Eppur Si Muove
And Yet It Moves-