Day 1,256, 11:37 Published in China Croatia by Laki8472

I belive I'm right when I say that many of us joined eRepublik because of military module(and IRC ofc), so it is quite pleasing to stumble every now and then on some war article that is full of usefull information about curent events and reasons why somebody attack who!

So obviously war analyst must be equiped with certan skills that he/she will transfer to epaper that will make it pleasing to the audience.
That process is rearly taking under one hour and it is often wrote by most active players familiar with overall world events.

First of all there is some ground rules that should be respected by one to heave sucess in media space and become apriciated and well known in the world.
By that I primarely mean that you heave some constant in title.
My choice here is Military analisys-day 1256 but it is also nice to see some adition to that and is shoving general theme in curent article like EDEN strikes back so title will look something like:

Military analysis-Day 1256, EDEN strikes back

By that you should be known by you'r audience just by shere glance in mass of articles,so next important thing is to create look for the papers, which should be done by someone good in picture precessing programs if you are unskillful in that area.

Now we heave very base so lets move on to the next few things you should memorize in order to become God of War in jurnalism. 🙂
You'r job is far from finished and writting also is far from thing you should do next.

I my self first go to the countries page, to be more specific to law proposals subpage.

Over here I can observe future attacks and NE(natural enemy) proposals being made as well as MPP proposal and CP(country presidents) impeaches being carried out wich would give me valuable info for my future analysis.

Next thing on my must do list is going to the world map and turn ON filter for active battles.

Here I see in general where will I zoom in to closely observe specific events.So next thing is goint to take closer look in all continents to see what is going on in that specific area.
Since I'm active I already know most of the reasons why someone attacking who, and what is their strenght, motive, prefered time to strike and reason for doing it, so I will take back on that later on.
It is best to first go trough entire map to get general perspective who is on offencive/defencive before begining writting about certan battlezone.

Now you get your general story in the head and if something is unclear or you arent sure in some reasons my favorite thing is to go to that countrey media space where is usualy exsplanation or reason, but in addition to read that article you think it exsplains it all, go little further and read the comments, there is a possibility that this is spam, braging story or propaganda so get your facts straight!
If there is no info there neither ask(or put shout) some exsperienced player(more the better) who probably know your missing peace.

Finaly after long search you can begin your famous artticle that will get you Pulitzer award!

First things first - Intro -

It is pleasing to the audience that they get general info of the peace before get to the details in order to prepare them what to exspect there!
My favorite way is that I stay objective, tough I'm from Croatia-very passionate about these war things, in order to be even more respected by enemie writters as well.
Ofc I like to spice things up, to add a soul to the piece, something to make battles look real and being fought with soul and passion, to glorify fighters or paramilitaries and even entire nations for taking down superior enemy etc.

Next thing is wars themselfs!

In these section I like to seperate important wars in seperate paragraphs to give readable article, something like:


And under this you should writte very cronological way of BiH liberation, and after that another subtitle about another war to seperate things to make it pleasing to the eye.
Nideless to say that you should be exspert in game mehanics, wich btw is changing often so you should be up to date in order to be acurate in your analisys.

Also take into considuration econimic factor of the game, like seperating trade routes from capital reign, attaking smaller countries so that bigger ones must split their influence from important battles and so on...

Over here you should writte about these war but you should imput some pics so that audience can comprihand situation even better.
It is widely aceptable to put link of certan battle you are describing to make it easier to acess like:

Crisina is curently being chalenged in costely insurection by expirienced Romanian tanks suplemented with regulars and some outside help from EDEN.

So I'll put little piece for you:


Today entire world witness the attack by David on the Goliath when BiH pronounce Serbia for NE, taking the unexspected but brave move against their long time ocupier.
On day 1256 BiH lounched full scale invasion on ONE superpower taking them by suprice in Western Serbia.
Altough overpowerd in MPPs by 8 to 21 in favour to Serbia, BiH get priority one suport by EDEN thus repaying old debts of the past.
That was an epical fight introducing some all time high influence lead by Croatia supertanks who didnt hesetate to show Serbia they mean buisness.

Serbia lost hope to reach USA, Balkan wars started again

This move is done as a preamptive strike since Serbia lost all colonies in Europe and Asia where they meth Russia and China who bravely fouth in their battle evenly distributing massive Serbian military capebilities.
So there is obvious concludion that Serbia would again put BiH as NE in order to repair economicaly great impact she sufferd in past exscursions.

In the end of the artticle. could put final toughts and concludions that you come to, like your future vision of certan battlefield or war betwen alliances in general.
If there is some change being anounced to the game(and there is fair share of them) you could give your vision how it will influence further wars and enemy plans etc.

So I helped you as much as I could, the rest is up to you to bring your special something that will define you.
You should writte every 2-3 days and have constant in order to cover all heapenings and that your subscribers know when they can exspect orticle.
To download pics I use ImageShackand SnippingTool buildt in my operating sistem.
Save your curent progress since it is long time doing thing, especialy if using desktop computer so you will be prety frustrating if you lose all.