How To Read The eRepublik Outsider

Day 508, 10:09 Published in Indonesia Philippines by Swagger McSwag

Hello, gentle reader. Thank you for subscribing to The eRepublik Outsider.

The eRepublik Outsider is dedicated to becoming the best and highest-quality news service in Asia Pacific region.

That's why we publish different kinds of stuff. Here's what you can read from off our pages, the different sections of The Outsider:

1. Local News. Straight news from inside sources. That's what were all about. Fast, accurate and relevant news, with information straight from the inside, straight from GROUND ZERO, baby!

2. World/International News. See #1, but overseas.

3. Editorial. These reflect my personal opinions. I take orders from no one. I write for no one, but whom I wish to write for. Expect high-quality, insightful, intelligent propaganda... er, I mean, commentary on the latest issues that affect the nation.

4. Features. Fun stuff. Come on. You can't be too serious all of the time. Loosen up. Take a break. Learn about the local vernacular. Learn about the people, the places and the sights to see.

5. Interview. Self-explanatory. Usually notable people like heads of state, solons, famous writers, captains of industry, stuff like that.

6. Reader's Opinion. Yup. The Outsider wants to hear what YOU have to say. If you want your views to be published but don't have a newspaper yet, just PM me and I'll gladly print it here. It's absolutely FREE. So, what are you waiting for? PM now! (If it's a tad long, you can ask me for my email so you can send it to me with better formatting and pictures and all.)

7. Classified Ads. Advertise your company/job offer/product/yourself/whatever for FREE on The Outsider. Yup, you heard it. It's totally FREE!

8. Reader Poll. This doesn't seem to work right now. Oh, the apathy~

9. Obituary. Read it here when another [famous personality] bites the dust or gets PERMANENTLY BANNED. Like this one:

10. ________. This section, in the works.

The Outsider is devoted to being the best in its class. That's why we're open to comments and suggestions from YOU. Love us? Hate us? We wanna here about it? So, PM your verbiage to

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The eRepublik Outsider is not to be sold. It is provided as a free public educational service by... me. Some rights reserved. XD