How to get 60 blockers

Day 920, 10:12 Published in USA Canada by Greene12

This past month the feds were able to cover all of our states with either a blocker or a candidate again. On the night of the 23rd most of the top 5 along with the FEC was in quite the scramble, though the feds sat confident, already knowing our states were covered and protected from foreign and domestic PTO. We even sent off several blockers to other parties in the course of the month since we were able to recruit more than our quota of blockers. More or less, our political team this past month Kicked Ass.

In the interest of full disclosure, we did have one blocker fail to complete their assigned task and stay a "candidate" through the 26th in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Although they registered as blocking for much of the 23rd, I have no clue what happened with this blocker, we got lucky and no Huns made it in.

Our process starts usually on the 10th of the month; blocker application forms are created and posted on our forums. We don't start mailing the party quite yet this early, since often a blocker contacted too far in advance can forget about their commitment, get confused or whatever by the long wait, or just figure that since nothing has happened in over a week that whole blocking thing isn't really an issue anymore. Older members though usually sign up right away, having done this several times and understanding the time schedule.

We regularly mass message in the feds. At least 2 mass PMs get sent out each month with a link to the blocker application sheet. This is never an issue for us and it never comes down to 2 or 3 people mailing the entire party as late as the 20th to try and get enough blockers to cover all their states. The Federalist Outreach Program is responsible for this, and every fed generally gets a PM from the party with an update on current activities once a week. Mass PMing is pretty easy really.

Each blocker is only an applicant though; we don't just take anyone off the street who says they'll do it. Our Federalist Bureau of Investigation goes through every applicant, every candidate, and a bunch of other people making sure they're American, and always have been American. We don't rely on project CARE or the FEC or the CIA to check our guys, because it’s our responsibility to check them ourselves. Security is handled internally, the FBI contacts other agencies as it can because communication in this area is key and I really hope we can get some more information flowing in this area, but if it came down to it I'm very confident the FBI could handle the assignment perfectly fine on its own. This past month (and hopefully for some time into the future) the FBI was run by Fingerguns, she and her agents did great work.

Assuming they passed the security check, our political department really gets to work with these guys. Blockers are assigned states (currently along with the FEC calendar) as states are decided. Some states are a sure thing and the newer blockers get assigned first, other states which are a bit more unstable will often be put off until later and have more experienced and active party members assigned, the folks in the party that are on IRC 24/7. We're able to make last minute changes with a large degree of security if we want to, because of the members of the party that are yet unassigned who have committed to being on IRC on the 23rd and are easily active enough to move fast. Having a large number of blockers gives us a lot more freedom in negotiations for states because we can move people easily without worrying about having to go beg for blockers late on the 23rd.

The political department does its own set of mailing. Every blocker is offered 2 moving tickets as well as 4 gifts to make up for lost funds or wellness when they offer to help out the country. Every blocker gets at least one PM from our political team with a state assignment and making sure they have the needed gifts and tickets. This is obviously the simplest step, but every month everyone who qualifies to block will get this PM, regardless of how active people are, I get one myself. The political team keeps track of who has blocked before, how many times, how active they are, these guys know what they can expect of blockers and make sure that each individual knows what’s up. Nobody gets left guessing about what they should do. This month FireSand ran the department with the help of Nac Runo and Robert E. Lee. These guys did fantastic work this month and we're lucky to have them, if you want, feel free to send all of your gold to firesand.

The biggest thing we do to get this many blockers is run an organized party. We have a bunch of nearly autonomous departments, great forums, fantastic communication, and every single department in some form or another contributes to this success we see month-by-month as we get every single state filled with a federalist. We run quite a smooth well-oiled machine here, it’s the work of department directors and the brand new volunteer that gets this done. We don't kid around about a party’s responsibility to fill every single state, and to do its best to get the most quality people it can into congress.

Thank you to every blocker who signed up this month, thank you to every party worker and volunteer, thank you to all of my department heads, you guys make this possible, and make this the best party in the US.

Read the Newsletters, Visit the forums, Get onto IRC. Know your Party and your Country!

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