How to fight in Alberta...UPDATE

Day 638, 17:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jacen Molare

UPDATE: Alberta has been liberated. On behalf of those who stand in opposition to our war of conquest and tyranny, thank you to all eUK citizens who stood for liberty and fought red. You all make me proud to be eBritish!

Great citizens of the eUK...a Resistance War has started in Alberta. Some of you may have already fought, but even if you have, this is as much addressed to you as those who haven't. Each time a battle is opened (either by the government or by the Canadian Resistance) two things will happen. Firstly, the government or other official sources (such as the MoD) will release several statements saying that we should fight in this place and fight in a certain way (normally the green side of the battle). Once this is done, the second thing occurs; people post comments saying that we should fight the opposite from what the government tells us, and confuse the matter for some of our citizens!

Do not be angry with the Canadian/Fortis/Eden propagandists...they are only trying to win back their freedom, and they are trying to confuse some of us to help them in their cause. I would suggest that many of us would do the same if it were us in their position.

However, do not be fooled either; do not do what the government TELLS you to do unless you agree with their policy of conquest in Canada. As citizens we have the, we have the MORAL OBLIGATION to question the policies of the government, and even stand against those policies where they break the laws of our nation and/or decent common sense and morality. If you disagree with our conquest of Canada, fight RED...if you agree with our alliance with PEACE and the subjugation of Canada, fight GREEN.

Do not be a sheep and be TOLD what to do...stand for your morals and fight your conscience in Alberta. And regardless of what you choose to do, you all are still my fellow citizens and it is an honour to be considered British alongside so many of you!

Remember, fight green in support of conquest or red in support of liberation.