How the eRepublik staff work.

Day 1,684, 06:06 Published in France Serbia by Rinh


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I wanted to show you How the eRepublik staff lower the prices in Marketplace.

For all PHP programmers, here is a code that will explain you how :

$rand = rand(1,100);
$price = $_POST; // Here is the price set by the user.
if($rand {
$price = $price - 1;

Now for those who don't understand :

When you put something in the Marketplace, the price can be lowered by the code of eRepublik.
There is a little chance to have it. It would always be lowered by 1. (Ex : 22.54 FRF => 21.54 FRF.)

Here are 2 screenshots :

The 1st one have been take the 24 May 2012. I was thinking that it was a simple bug.

The 2nd one have been take the 30 June 2012.

With that, we all can think it's a coincidence, it's a bug.
But no. I have contacted the support for that. See.

What is the purpose to the new military module ? Making the D1, D2 and D3 important. Countries now need eBabyboom to play. And eBabyboom makes more gold for the eRepublik team.
What is the purpose to the new rocket factory ? Making gold buyers the only ones to obtain BH, to restrict the acquisition of golds.
What is the purpose when eRepublik Staff lower the prices ? To increase the value of gold.
What is the purpose when eRepublik Staff disabled the bot ..?

Why the gold cost so much ?
Why raws materials now cost 0,07~ ?

We can't evolve now in eRepublik.
eRepublik team do not make a game. Or not a fair game.

Bonus : What's that system makes :

Try by yourself, places many things in the Marketplace, one will be cheaper.


EDIT : You can see when a price bug : It would be like xx.0 FRF, and not xx.00 FRF.