How's Life?

Day 1,274, 13:14 Published in Ireland Ireland by

Hello People,

As you all know we just won a Battle with the eUK. I want to that a very special person who I think we all know. I would also like to congratulate Marcus Suridius for getting a second term as CP. I hope the best for you and Ireland.

Well if you hadn't seen or heard, there has been a lot of heated discussion about the current war. The eUK supporters are claiming that we Irish are hiding behind our allies. Yet what I saw was that our allies wanted to help us. They said they wanted to contribute to the war and when I see that it only makes me respect them more. And people like Tomazim less. I'm so glad that we have eCroatia and eGreece on our side not only because they are big hitters, but also because they seem pretty chill.

Well to all the eUK citizens that are like Tomazim and his people- You can all do the opposite of above me.