How our Government works ~ A citizen's guide to our economy ...

Day 467, 12:02 Published in Japan Pakistan by WaseemK
Ever wonder what our Government ideals are? Ofcourse these won't be 100% accurate but there based on acknoledgement and perspective.
So basically our government plans for "growth". Market competition will eventually bring out the best of citizens and we shall see that golden growth. Now one thing for sure is, I'm a firm believer of competition; its an aspect of life.

But sometimes we won't get enough houses, hospitals, or even weapons. Fact is, people build stuff where they want to build it, when they want to build it, and how they want to build it, no matter what the government says. So the few times when a government draws up a plan, it will only work if the citizens comply.

What does that mean for the argument that free markets are superior to a supposedly well-regulated economy? Are our current economic problems “proof” that markets don’t work and that government is the solution?

Well, NO.

The superiority of free markets to the centrally planned is not based upon a magical ability of businesses or even markets to operate flawlessly or at optimal rates every single time. Businesses will often make huge mistakes, and we have known for months and months that markets will constantly fluctuate, even wildly. But it works..

Our markets are ultimately led by basic forces such as supply and demand, customer desires, and of course competition, they are anchored to forces within the economy as a whole. No matter how out of place they get, the long-term trend is always going to be in the right direction. More economic growth, satisfying customer demands, better quality at lower prices, and increased productivity and efficiency. Its self-correcting. 🙂

A couple weeks ago, I was watching TV with a couple friends. I don't how it got to that, but the news anchor said California will devise up a 12 year plan to build a freeway. I know that socialism is a failed experiment, as demonstrated by the failure of the Soviet Union, socialism’s most devoted practitioner. My socialist friends, somehow, think that they are smarter than the Russians and that socialism will work here in California if we just have the right plan. I basically lol'd that whole hour.

In short, our government in Japan doesn't run on plans. But on growth.
