How long have I been in Erep?

Day 960, 11:11 Published in USA USA by JDR1986

Jeremyr Happy birthday. On July 6th, 2010 you turned 1 year old. But that means I have been with this game for 1 year. As such I would like to go over my life in erep. Seeming we have a few new modules it seems fitting.

Cake cause the pie is a lie

I joined this game to solve 2 of my aspirations. I wanted to be in congress and I wanted to be in the military. I joined the AAP when I first started thinking that the #1 party in the country would advance my political career. But sadly it didn't after running as a blocker for several months I left the party and joined a party that reflected my rl views. I then found out that I could not run there and joined the Federalists. I even finally joined the forums and got involved as a PC.

The Federalists Rock!!!

While this was going on I was ranking up fast in the Training Division. World War 3 was raging. We lost colorado my in game birth state then we lost the q5 hospital state of Kansas. We lost New Jersey a state I thought was safe to place my gun company. We lost down to Florida and then we waited. The president and congress went into a private office and talked about peace terms. They nearly sold out the country for peace. Then a man that some call a traitor but a true hero and mentor stepped out and told the public what was going on. We were outraged but the Russians were greedy and wanted more.

We needed penguins

In my first weeks in TD I was eager to advance. I was on IRC talking to Tuecer and Relin, and Angelini and all the old time td members. Sadly with the american invasion TD was overcrowded under supplied, and under staffed. I was promoted to TD XO shortly after completing basic training. I rose to TD CO 2 weeks after that. I stayed with the TD until the end of world war 3. I stayed till we were restructured into the much more effective TC and was offered a position just a few steps away from high command. I declined and went on to party politics.

Loved being in the military when we were down to Florida.

After World War 3 the Federalists also restructured. Before that time the Federalists had a Federalist Outreach Program Division Captain pick a few select candidates. That division was responsible for getting that candidate elected. With the new system the PC's were restructured the Dc's were demoted and the Federalist Outreach Program gotr more organized under new leadership with me as assistant director.

I finally made it into congress by chance. On day 23 of the month at about 10 pm I was informed that the candidate for Wyoming had dropped out due to rl. I ran and was elected for my first term in congress. I went in with my fists swinging hoping to reform everything. We elected a speaker so I believe it was the 26th or 28th congress. But I remember it as the 27th congress. I got one bill passed, helped on the IES, and engaged in meaningless hospital and tax debates. The hospitals were a bad idea and I left the taxes to the experts with there stuff>gold logics.

After World War 3 our economy was still in the toilet

A month later I was seen as a very active congressman and was endorsed by all top five parties and the SVP. Unfortunately I had a blocker against me that had not been checked out and I was sniped. The candidate was ok'ed by election officials that they were not a ptoer. However he resigned after using all his approvals for security risks to enter the country.

I then ran again. But this month MM2 decided to run a candidate in every state. Knowing that MM2 could easily run someone more well known and qualified then me I enlisted help from my little brother and some friends. My little brother talked to MM2 on the IRC and arranged to run against me. On election day he stepped down. Me and all 5 of my friends on networked computers all voted for me at the same time minutes before reset. Before becoming the congressman admin banned me for multi's. I tried to explain the situation but it was denied on appeal.

No Cheating!

Then something happened that shocked me. I came on to check the status of my appeal and I wasn't banned anymore. If you clicked the forfeit points it still said I was but I was able to log on fight, train, work. I submitted several requests for admins to either completely unban the account or to delete it so I could start a new one and they didn't. So after a month of waiting I started the account you see today.

I was elected to congress again my first month back due to the efforts of our awesome political department. I have been promoted to Director of the FOP. I also took an interest in the political department and will be assisting politicalwar in the month ahead.

Who knows I may go back to congress once V2 settles down a bit. I am still assisting the IES after stepping down as COS last term. As far as this game goes I like the new economic module and I hope that the military module doesn't prove to be disappointing.

TL😉R Version

It was my birthday and this article is worth reading at least for a history lesson.

P.S. All events may not have happened in order there is a bit of jumping around when I wrote about the early history.