How I Saved America. Twice.

Day 934, 20:01 Published in USA USA by AidenAstrup

I've always loved those movies where deep, dark government secrets are kept in some red folder, hidden from the public and someone goes on a quest to find it. What's interesting though is that your very own government has something just like that. Maybe it isn't in a folder, or collected in any actual manner, but there are a number of government officials who have stories to tell.

I was just informed that my story is now safe to share with American citizens.

Everyday America is under a cloud of evil - enemies are far more likely to attack than they are in RL and as such our military is constantly assessing potential threats. We have a well lubricated system that can respond to any threat and protect our nation. This system however is only as strong as its weakest link and I am here to share with you two interesting stories on how the system nearly fell apart and left our nation vulnerable.

A few months ago I was approached by a Secretary of Treasury - we'll call him sydi to protect his identity. He seemed in a rush and said he had a very serious problem on his hands. Apparently the military believed that we were about to be attacked and they needed to prepare. Problem was, the keys to the nation's wallet (the CBO) was left in the hands of the CBO Director...who went on vacation and neglected to give the password to anyone else. I was asked to step in and act as the government's wallet. Without hesitation, a few thousand Gold was suddenly in a temporary vault at no charge...and in less than 24 hours, our nation was bombarded by a series of war declarations.

On a separate occasion, this being a month or two before the last story, I was again approached (I can't remember by whom, it may have been the man we call sydi) to quickly issue the government a short term loan - the Treasury was afraid that their wouldn't be enough Gold to cover war costs - this was during the time when America only had Florida left I believe. Thankfully the government never had to call on the full loan, but a blanket of security was wrapped around the nation, giving its military the fighting power it needed.

These stories may be interesting, or they may not be. What I find intriguing is the suggestion that there are citizens out there like you and I who hold the secrets of our nation. There are citizens out there who stepped up in a time of distress and offered whatever they could. If you know one of those stories, I urge you to check if your allowed to share them 😛 and then publish an article or send me a PM - I am always listening....


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