How i can help eAustralia as your future president

Day 5,159, 22:30 Published in Australia Australia by Marbus

Ladies and Gentleman of Australia, the number one problem that prevents eAustralia from liberating its lands and growing into a more competitive nation is due to having formed zero alliances with other nations.

To fix this problem, i as a future president will seek out new alliances with various nations in erepublik. As your president, i will seek an alliance with eCroatia, because as an old veteran of Erepublik, i have done allot for that nation and will be able to gain their alliance as your president.

Alliances are very necessary in this current chaotic period in erepublik, we can not pursue an isolationist policy in this global conflict, we must reach out to other eNations, making alliances and deals. This is the only way we can take on the various enemies we face.

The road ahead is not an easy one for eAustralia, but looking at the current climate within the nation, changes are needed in order for eAustralia to be united again. I and together with the United Australia Doge Party, we can make that happen. Come join us at the United Australia Doge Party. I welcome all and look forward to working with you in helping to build a better eAustralia.