How Experience Points Work!

Day 700, 11:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ben clew

Struggling to understand why you are getting levels up or why you are suddenly boosted up with a large amount of Exp point. Panic Over! Here is a simple basic lowdown on what experience points you get for what certain things you do.

Level 1

When you get your very first job you earn 5 exp points.
As soon as you upload your Avatar (your eRepublik face) you earn two Exp points.
You can also begin to work. This gives you 1 Exp for every day that you work.

Level 2

On Level 2 you can begin to train. When you train (in the army) you get 2 Exp for every day you do this.

Level 3

Nothing Changes

Level 4

Exactly the same as Level 3

Level 5

On level 5 you can begin to fight for your own country. This gains 2 Exp every time you do this but be careful as every time you fight you lose 10 wellness (the blue man)

Level 6

At level 6 you can begin to vote for the presidential elections and so on. This gets you 1 Exp every time you vote.

Level 7


Level 8

Nothing again!

Level 9

Not very important but you can create a company. Doing this gives you 5 Exp and also every time you upgrade the quality you also get 5 Exp.

Level 10

Cannot do anything else!

Level 11


Level 12

Now you can run for congress. This is where the big Exp gains come in. If you win the election you get 20 Exp points.

Level 13

Now you run for Party Presidency. Again if you can win the election then you can get 20 Exp points.

Level 14

This is for the Biggest gain, and the very experienced players (not me as such!). If you win the Country Presidential elections then you can gain a whole 50 Exp points.

Level 15


You don't get EXp for any different things but you do get gold coins every level up.

Plaese Vote and Thank you for Reading

ben clew