How did the eUSA got in this kind of situation??

Day 611, 03:20 Published in Hungary North Macedonia by Neno-WH

Before i start my article, i`d like to say that this is my first time writing a newspaper, and i plan to use it strictly to say what is on my mind, and comment the current situations throughout the world. My aim is not to influence anyone out there but only to say what i think. If u like my points of view, or u agree with me on some problem feel free to vote this article and subscribe to my newspaper. Now to get to the real deal...

As the Title says, i`d like to present my opinion about why the eUSA is losing this war, and how did they get in the first place in this kind of desperate situation. Well, according to me it`s simple.. The answer is underestimating every other country in the eWorld.
As we all know, the USA is a major force in the RL, so many Americans thought that it will be the same thing here. They thought that being an American means that you can look on the other countries with disrespect, and that you will be feared. But they`ve met a problem. A little problem name PEACE. All countries have united to struck down the so called ``Giant``. Some people may ask how can i say this? Well, for a long period my eCitizen was living in the eUSA. So during my stay i was able to understand the American points of view. I was witness of many, many betrayals. So many former ATLANTIS countries, have asked for the eUSA`s help, but they never got it. Why?
Again simple, because the eUSA were only looking after the countries they had use from(like Spain, and Greece). That is the main reason why the eUK is starting to turn their back against the eUSA.
Next, one of the main reasons why eUSA is desperate is their huuge selfconfidence. During my stay in the eUSA, there were many articles warning of the coming PEACE invasion but all the Americans commented was , ``Bring it on`` , ``We can take anyone`` , ``Attacking the USA will be the greatest mistake in their life`` , ``PEACE can never get touch us``. Can you see the irony, like i do??
And last i`d like to state is that no country, and i mean NO COUNTRY can stand it`s ground against a united force like PEACE!!!
So what i like to say, is that the USA is falling apart and that is a FACT!! But we must learn from their mistakes and never allow ourselves to repeat them in the future.

Stay strong PEACE, victory is at hand!!
(excuse me about my mistakes, i`ll try and make better articles in the future)