How Congress elections work

Day 522, 01:56 Published in South Africa South Africa by Steven Bosch

When you get to vote today, take into account that the candidates in your region are placed on your screen in the order of most (at the top) to least (at the bottom).

Thus, it is advisable to vote for someone towards the bottom of the list.

For instance, at the time of writing, in Mpumalanga, MarioXXL leads with 7 votes, according to previous election results more than enough to secure a congress seat. Thus your vote could help another candidate.

Other candidates basically sure of congress seats are: Nicholas Gray, Brendan E Austerion, Pierric Bross, compmage and ionegheu.

Also, in voting, look out for the avatars that carry the "approved insignia" a hand holding an approved ball (see image).

Lastly, there are candidates lurking in our midst that haven't made their intentions clear, so don't vote for Bunaly, Iranianking or abdarchi.

Good luck to all - let's vote for an active, committed congress!