How are we supposed to win wars?

Day 763, 19:13 Published in USA USA by Gaius Julius

When this happens...

This picture shows that 46 minutes after the NK war had been passed and then reverted to pending. Click view to see an enlarged version.

So lets me say what I am really trying to say. We all have complaints with the war module. However, one of its redeeming qualities is the unique ability to catch enemies with their pants down. This is what we did in North Korea. We caught them when we could hit them with no MPPs. Now with minutes and hours ticking away, NK will have time to sign peace and MPP with all of Phoenix. I understand firsthand that the game takes time to update. I was president when the Kansas retreat and win strategy didn't work due to update times. I was there when you turned around the Slovakian RW because the battle didn't close after 5 minutes. However, how can one hour possibly be an acceptable relapse time? How can we possibly plan when something can pend for five seconds or five hours? When an hour here or there, could make the difference between 0 MPPs in a battle and 14?
Most of us who play this game don't ask for much. We aren't looking for fancy graphics or cool effects. In turn you could say a lot of contribute to this game more than it gives back to us. We build communities and work to keep players YOU bring in, stay. Its the simple things of this game like working modules and successful plans that keep players coming back. When these great aspects of the game are ruined by flaws, or our forums are disabled by bitter individuals why should we persevere?
I don't know you may disagree, and I doubt there is much you can do to fix this as basically our whole strategy and timing is blown. I don't know if I'll get this article taken down for public accusations or not contacting the admin team in the proper way (which I did by having my fellow citizens fill a ticket out) but I don't really care. At this point anything you or we could do is pointless. Our nation blew gold on a good strategy all for nothing. 250 US servicemen sat on IRC waiting for an attack which never happened. Im sure the Phoenix trolls will have field day with this one. Go ahead you guys got lucky, I guess thats something to be proud of?
There are few games I keep playing for more than three months. This is the case with most people. Yet how much longer will we keep coming back when our very dreams and ideas are defeated by these problems. How much longer can YOU expect us to persevere?

-Gaius Julius
A concerned citizen