Hot Air Program - new regulations

Day 5,147, 06:59 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian Civil Defence

Recently, congress has voted to implement new regulations on participants of the Hot Air Program. These new regulations went into effect on Dec 21, Day 5,145.

Regulation #1:

It is encouraged for participants to fight according to Canada's battle orders to maintain training wars for the profit of all citizens. It is expected that participants do not actively fight against those orders. If an individual fights 3 times within a campaign on the wrong side leading to point gain, they will be punished. Fighting, winning, or contribution of damage leading to the winning of a side we should be losing. 1B damage, 100M damage, 1M damage. As long as you contributed to a battle we should be losing 3 times within a campaign where your contribution happened in a round where Canada gained points we should not have gained., you will be punished.

Punishment could be any of the following: losing out on rank up bonus, having your kills payment halved, losing out on all your payment for a particular week, being removed from the program for the remainder of the month, to the most severe, being barred from registering for the Hot Air Program going forward.

For special battles, the 3-strike rule is removed. This means if you are caught violating this once, you are banned anywhere from the month registered for the HAP to PERMANENTLY. Special battles are any real war against an invader (eg. Turkey) or any resistance war on a territory we possess where we're collecting income from sharing our resources (eg. Scotland). If you are caught fighting on the opposing side, the HAP administrators will rule on your punishment."

Regulation #2:

If a player gets more than 3 complaints about stealing in air (with evidence) against them by any of the other participants of the HAP, then they are removed from the program for the month. A 4th time, then they are out permanently. Complaints should be directed towards the Hot Air Program administrators who will sort through the evidence presented to determine if there was malicious intent or if it was accidental. Complaints would reset each Hot Air Program month.